Tuesday 30 August 2011

Unlock the iphone free

Unlock the iphone free is one of the most searched phrases on the internet.

People buy iPhones all around the planet without realizing that the American AT&T is the only carrier for the phone. You can use your new iPhone with a different carrier - but first you will need to use a tool or a software which will allow you to change the carrier. Do not fall for some 20$ fake unlocking devices or software; it is done for free all over the world. Only couple of weeks ago many worldwide users were very excited to find out about the release of controversial tool.

Although an iPhone free unlock tool is available to public - most users tempt to spend their money, sometimes up to fifty (50$) dollars in order to download some cheap, spammy and not working software. These are the tools that actually damage your new gadget. Why pay for a bad quality product when you could get the iPhone free Unlock tool? Apple warned its users that unlocking the phone will damage it. 99% of the tools you pay for actually do damage your iPhone - which also voids the warranty. The only known tool that worked great so far and didn't damage any phone was and still is the iPhone Free Unlock Tool.

This great tool not only allows you to change your cellular phone carrier, it also allows you to import movies, games and music into the iPhone. The all new and very popular gadget could serve you as a great entertainment center - not simply a phone - but I am sure you already knew this.

An important thing to note; both iPhone firmware versions - the 1.0.2 and the new 1.1.1 are breakable with Unlock the iphone free .

1 comment:

  1. Nice share. I would like to share my experience in this. But unlocking Iphones at free of cost is not possible. There are many methods available to unlock Iphones. Some are software, cables, codes etc... But unlocking Iphones using these is not a permanent unlocking solution. If you upgrade or update your Iphone which get unlocked using those above methods will get locked to its network again. To fix this unlock your Iphone using factory unlocking or any other permanent unlocking solution. Recently i too have unlocked my Iphone using remote unlocking service at the site Wickedunlock.com ,which is a permanent unlocking solution. And also jail breaking is not necessary in this unlocking method of Iphones.
